Magnet Media Solutions, Inc. will only consider US based companies with US clients. We are actively seeking companies in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri and Kentucky.

Submission Form

Business Name:
Contact Name:
Physical Address:
Email address:
Phone #:
Number of years in business:
Services provided:
web design logo design programming
hosting SEO PPC
# of clients:
If applicable, # of hosting clients:
# of Employees:
# of subcontractors:
Do you have a sales force? Yes   No
If so, how many?     
Do you have a physical building location? Yes   No
If yes, what is the address?     
What is the square footage?     
What was your gross annual revenue from 2007?
How much are you asking for your company?
What all would come with this dollar amount?
Domain name website employees
contractors rent server
Why are you interested in selling your business?
Other comments: